Early Years Curriculum (2-5 year olds)
Our Early Years and Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a real strength of the school, ensuring a solid start to every child's learning. The curriculum is highly responsive to pupil needs and incorporates a wide variety of activities which stimulate interest and curiosity. We also have a child centred ethos which means children settle into play quickly - remember play is learning for children in early years!
Children in Reception and Nursery follow the Foundation Stage Early Years Curriculum.
The Foundation Stage curriculum is organised into different areas of learning.
Prime Areas | Specific Areas |
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Physical Development
Communication and Language |
Literacy Mathematics Understanding of the World Expressive Arts and Design Mathematics |
Continuous Provision
Continuous provision are resources provided within a learning environment to offer children a constant environment that is safe for them to explore whilst challenging their learning. It allows children the freedom to explore and become independent in making choices.
An important part of the EYFS is to support children in becoming active learners; continuous provision allows children to demonstrate this aspect and adults in class can closely observe this during their play.
Within continuous provision children are able to explore the environment and develop independence. It also allows children to make choices and initiate their own play.
Observation and assessment
On entry to nursery or reception classes, information is collected from parents to help establish where the child is in relation to the development matters age-related bands. This information is used as a guide to providing a 'best fit' baseline. There are ongoing formative and summative assessments to ensure that practitioners have a clear understanding of a child's progress across all areas of learning and development. Concerns about individual children's progress are identified and addressed. Observations and assessments are kept in an individual child's learning journey, which is available for parents to read and to contribute. In the final term of the year in which the child reaches age five, the EYFS Profile is completed.
Self-help and independence
Through the Early Years, our Practitioners support the children's growing independence and self-help skills. They are positively encouraged to do things for themselves. We support children's growing independence as they do things for themselves, such as dressing and feeding themselves.
Parents as partners
We believe that parents are children's first and most enduring educators and when parents and practitioners work together in Early Years settings, the results have a positive impact on children's development and learning. We encourage parents to contribute to our assessments and provide advice and support on how learning and development can take place at home.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
If your child has additional need, there is a real understanding and experience of supporting SEND (see SEND section for more general information) whereby careful adjustments to their needs are made, tailoring resources and the timetable accordingly.