Contact Us

Parkwood Primary School

International Spanish School

Queens Drive

London N4 2HQ

Headteacher: Paul Thomas

Tel: 020 8802 5366


Please contact us if you would like any information about the school.

 Send an Email 

Please call us on 020 8802 5366 and ask for Mel Bernard if your question relates to Admissions; Andrea Sumner if it relates to SEND and/or Inclusion; or Martha Chiutsi if you have any other enquiry.

If you require paper copies of any information on our website, please contact the school office.

If you are unhappy with any aspect of Parkwood please feel free to make an appointment with your child's class teacher in the first instance, following this you may contact with the Headteacher to discuss this. If you feel any issues have not been dealt adequately you may refer to our complaints procedures here.

 Parent View

Share your views and feedback through Parent View

Parent View is a questionnaire that parents and carers can use to give your views about this school at any time of the school year.

To complete the short questionnaire at you simply need an email address and a password to register.

Once your login has been activated, it only takes a few minutes to choose answers to 12 short questions about the school, such as how well we deal with bullying, the quality of teaching, and whether you would recommend the school to other parents.

If our school is notified that Ofsted is inspecting it, we will send you a letter about the inspection, with a link to Parent View. We will also send a text or email message to parents whose mobile numbers or email addresses we have on our records. Inspectors consider parents' views alongside other evidence when making a judgement about a school. It is also useful for us because it gives valuable information about what you think of the school and helps us to improve.

Please remember, you can give your opinion of your child's school through Parent View at any time during the school year. You can refresh or resubmit your views and your previous response will be overwritten so that only one 'view' for each parent, per school, is held.

If you do not have a computer or an email address or if you would like help to use Parent View, please come into school and ask at reception.

Please also let us know if you have changed your mobile number and/or email address so we can update our records.