Enhanced Curriculum
The ethos at Parkwood encourages independence and a love of life long learning. Whether this is through music tutorials in school, regular local trips, or opportunities to visit further afield, such as the Year 5 residential to Spain. Children play an active part in the School Council which enables their voice to be heard and to allow them to canvas for changes within the school.
We have a number of school sports clubs and extended school activities which include football clubs, a cycling team, karate, ballet, coding, drama, story telling and many others. We also offer music tuition in recorder, guitar and brass instruments. Some of our clubs also go out of school to compete against other teams or show off their work at shows and concerts.
Let's excel!
We really want every child to find the area in which they are the most successful and we work hard to celebrate everyone's talent. Whether this is through taking part in instrument tuition, performing in dance clubs or taking part in one of our pupil roles around school, we are also open to new ideas and offers from parents and other community members. Parkwood is always looking to try something new!